Earwax is a naturally produced secretion called cerumen from glands in the outer ear area of the ear canal.
This substance plays a crucial role in protecting the ear by trapping and preventing dust, bacteria and other small particles, including dead skin cells, from entering and damaging the ear, earwax has antibacterial properties to prevent ear infection.
Common signs and symptoms of earwax blockage are: • Earache or ear pain • Blocked feeling in ears • Noises in the ear (tinnitus) • Loss of hearing • Itchiness in or around the ear
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, it might be time to schedule an appointment at our earwax removal clinic. During your visit, we will assess your ear health and guide you through the ear wax removal process.
At our ear wax removal Christchurch clinic, our trained Ear Hygienists will complete an ear hygiene assessment before treatment using the micro suction method. If there is a medical issue which prevents the treatment from happening, we will recommend seeking further medical advise which could include scheduling an appointment with our GP at the Health Hub.
Microsuction is performed using a microscope and a thin tube attached to a suction machine to gently remove ear wax from your ear canal.
Microsuction is accepted as the most comfortable and safe method of earwax removal and is suitable for adults. This procedure is not usually recommended for children under 4 years old.
Ear wax appointments are only 10-15 minutes and can provide immediate relief from symptoms.
Let us help you, book an appointment for ear canal cleaning with one of our ear health professionals today.
Please make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled ear wax removal appointment time.
If you arrive late, you may be asked to rebook or have reduced time with our ear nurses or technician. Appointments are 15 minutes only.
Our clinic is located at Unit 9, 166 Moorhouse Ave, and can be accessed via our entrance facing Antigua Street, behind Freedom Furniture. You can park in the main parking area directly outside the Phoenix Health Hub entrance.
Please note, we do not accept cash payments and the charge for the service still applies even if ear wax removal is unsuccessful. If you are in doubt about whether this is needed please contact your medical provider for advice.
If you need to reschedule, cancel or have any questions about your ear wax removal appointment, please phone the office on 03 260 1260.